
Success Alchemy Secret #3: Take Time off

Enjoy this video I made from my day off at the ‘Blue Lagoon’ in the beautiful Akamas Peninsula in Cyprus on why it is important for your success to take time off.

Success Alchemy Secret #3: Take time Off to Rejuvenate the Mind, Body and Spirit

Most people who are driven for success, tend to push too hard and put in too many hours and exhaust themselves, ignoring the fact that in order to perform your best, you need to keep your mind, body and spirit in optimal state.

If you put in too many hours consistently and don’t give yourself time to rest, not only your mind, your productivity and creativity will suffer, but it will have an effect on your health, your personal life and your relationships.

There is today a lot of scientific research on how the brain performs better when you have taken time off. The best ideas come when you are relaxed. You are most productive when you have rested.

Its all about achieving the right balance and making sure you do something that helps you completely relax and clear the mind, at least once per week.

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